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How can you not understand these before using the wet film vaporization humidifier?

Update time: 2022-11-22 Click rate: 594
  Wet film vaporizing humidifierThe use of water evaporation, the water through the pump and dispenser constantly sent to the upper part of the wet film, in the action of gravity through the wet film back to the main water tank to form a cycle, air through the wet film, full contact with the wet film, filter dust and other particles, so that the air purification, humidity increase, so as to achieve the purpose of humidification, purification, dust removal。
  Characteristics of wet film vaporization humidifier:
  1.Electronic touch keys, operation makes more convenient
  2.Electronic touch keys, operation makes more convenient
  3.Humidity display automatic control, ±5% accurate control
  4.Large humidification range, uniform and clean humidification, no white powder
  5.Water shortage warning and automatic shutdown protection
  6.Turbofan, large circulation air, high humidification efficiency
  7.With ventilation mode, circulation of indoor air
  8.Foot anti-vibration and anti-slip universal wheel, easy to move freely
  9.The use of highly effective antibacterial materials, to achieve efficient sterilization, no requirements for water quality
  Drainage method: Connect a hose to automatically replenish water
  Machine shape: electronic touch button, operation makes more convenient
  Technical parameters of wet film vaporizing humidifier:
  Humidification capacity: 12 kg/h
  Standard working condition: T=25℃RH=20%
  Power supply: 220V~50Hz
  Input power: 350W
  Rated current: 2.3A
  Ambient temperature: -5 ~ 40℃
  Tank capacity: 60kg
  Circulating air volume: 2000m3/h
  Water adding mode: Connect a hose for automatic water refill
  Running noise: 50dB
  Humidity control range: 30%-60%±5
  Applicable area: 100 ~ 150 m2